| Cheng Ying Jie (Renowned Theatre Asrtiste) - Regular users of Esui feminine hygiene products. - She had been free of vaginal problems for years after the usage of Esui feminine hygiene. |
 | Miss Phoon, 29, married with 2 children. - Post-partum hormonal inbalance leading to dryness and itchness forvaginal. - Treatment with ESUI Feminine Hygiene wash for 2 weeks improves her condition tremendously by resuming the vaginal secretion. Continuous usage for the next 2 months eliminates the problem completely. | |
 | Mia, 40, Beauty Therapist - She suffered severe abnormal vaginal discharge which lead to itchiness and intermittent dryness of vagina. - Within the first week of Esui Feminine Hygiene wash usage, she had increased vaginal discharge owing to the detoxification process induced by the product. | |
 | Miss Lim, 31, Housewife - Slight vaginal discharge and vaginal itchiness prior to the usage of Esui products. 1 month after the usage of Esui Feminine Hygiene, she is free from above mentioned problems. - She had become regular user of Esui product since then. | |
 | Miss Ong, 30, Clerical Worker - She suffered chronic, mild vaginal itchiness of vaginal which is not reversible with ordinary feminine hygiene wash. - Her chronic itchiness disappeared after trying Esui Feminine Hygiene wash for few days. She continued the usage of our products and had become normal until now. | |
 | Miss Loh, 28, Sales Assistante - Mild and chronic vaginal discharge which sometimes turned into greenish color owing to infection. - 5 days after the usage of Esui Feminine Hygiene Wash, her vaginal discharge decreased as much as 50% and fully disappeared in 2 weeks. | |
 | Miss Fionne, 27, Computer Programmer - Increased vaginal discharge before and after the menses. - No more vaginal discharge during the mensus, cleaner vaginal with much lesser infection. | |
 | Sulastri, 23, Domestic Helper - Mild and chronic vaginal discharge which sometimes turned into greenish color owing to infection. - 5 days after the usage of Esui Feminine Hygiene Wash, her vaginal discharge decreased as much as 50% and fully disappeared in 2 weeks. | |
 | Yumi, 26, Married with 2 children - Increased vaginal discharge before and after the menses. - No more vaginal discharge during the mensus, cleaner vaginal with much lesser infection. | |
 | Miss Khoo, 32, Married with 2 children - Excellent toning of vaginal muscle with superb tightening effect. | |
 | Miss Ooi, 44, Housewife - 70% toning effect on vaginal muscle following 1 months of Esui usage | |
 | Miss Loh, 33, Hairdresser - Conduct daily feminine hygiene with Esui products. - She feel clean of fresh everyday with great toning effect of vaginal muscle. | |
 | Miss Tan - Tried various feminine hygiene products but unable to achieve satisfactory feminine hygiene. - Esui feminine hygiene let her feel the ultimate cleanliness of the vaginal which make her free of any kinds of infections since then. | |
 | Maggie, Beautician - Take good efforts in feminine hygiene. She conduct individual studies and comparison on various products and choose to use Esui for her feminine hygiene. - She recommends Esui as the only products that clean, disinfect and revitalize vaginal tissue. | |
 | Miss Chin, Housewife - Tried various feminine hygiene products but unable to achieve satisfactory feminine hygiene. - Esui feminine hygiene let her feel the ultimate cleanliness of the vaginal which make her free of any kinds of infections since then. | |
 | Miss Ong, Housewife - She used other products for feminine hygiene with unsatisfactory results. - She turns to Esui feminine hygiene after experiencing its tremendous effects in vaginal cleansing, revitalizing and toning. | |
 | Miss Lim, Kindergarden Teacher - Endorsed Esui as the most creditable feminine hygiene products in the market. - She said that Esui is the only product that yield cleansing effects in the shortest time. | |
 | Dong Li , Radio Programs Regular Guest - After delivery, I'm troubled by acute vaginal discharge, and it is so embarrassing and uncomfortable. But after my fist use of "ESUI", I almost felt refreshed and cleansed immediately. And after a week, my unpleasant discharge is noticebly reduced. Now I will use it daily to maintain my presonal hygiene. | |
 | Zhang Sili , Ex-Miss Singapore - After trying out "ESUI" few wash, I can feel it resumes my contraction and elasticity, and most importantly, it moisturize and refresh me. ESUI is essential to all women; it should be used daily to replace ordinary shower foam. | |