God's Amazing Pharmacy
It's been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a garden, and made animals and fish, long before making man. 據說上帝在造出人類之前,首先將鹹水與淡水分離,造了陸地、 在花園裏種上各種花草、造了各種動物和魚類 … To ensure healthful living, God left us some clues as to which foods we should eat to keep specific parts of our body healthy! 為了確保健康的生活, 上帝留給我們一些線索來告訴我們該吃什麼食物以對我們身體的一些 部位有益。 We call this God's Amazing Pharmacy.. 我們稱之為上帝的神奇藥物 A sliced carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye. And yes, science now confirms that carrots greatly enhance blood flow to our eyes. 切片的胡蘿蔔看起來像人的眼睛。瞳孔、虹膜和放射的線條, 看起來完全就是人的眼睛。 科學也的確證明胡蘿蔔能大大促進血液向眼部的流動、 改善眼部功能。 The tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. Research shows that tomatoes are loaded with lycopine, a wonderful heart and blood food. 番茄是紅色的有四個心房。心臟也是紅色的有四個心房。 所有的研究都告訴我們番茄裏充滿了茄紅素, 事實上它也是能淨化心臟和血液的食物。 Grapes h...